difference between common cold and rhinovirus

The common cold and rhinovirus are two of the most frequent illnesses, but they are also easily confused. Although both cause respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose, there are some key differences between them. The common cold is caused by any one of over 200 different viruses and it usually does not last for more than a week or two. Rhinovirus on the other hand is one specific virus that can lead to more severe infections if left untreated. In addition to similar symptoms, rhinoviruses may cause congestion in the chest as well as headaches and body aches which the common cold rarely causes. It is important to understand these differences so that you can properly treat your illness when needed.

So what is the difference between common cold and rhinovirus

1. What are the symptoms of a common cold?

A common cold is a contagious viral infection of the upper respiratory system, including the nose and throat. The most common symptoms include sneezing, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, coughing, fatigue, headache and body aches. Other symptoms that may occur are hoarseness and watery eyes. A fever is not usually present with a cold but can be present in some cases. Colds generally last about 7 to 10 days and can cause significant discomfort for many people during this time.

2. How long does a common cold last?

A common cold typically lasts for one to two weeks. It is important to note that the body has its own natural healing process and everyone recovers from a cold at their own rate. The time of recovery depends on factors such as age, underlying health conditions and personal immune system strength. During this period, the affected individual may experience symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, mucus buildup in the throat, sore throat or fatigue. To reduce suffering during this time it is advisable to practice good hygiene habits by washing hands frequently and getting adequate rest so that your body can fight off the virus efficiently. Additionally, drinking plenty of fluids can help thin out any mucus build-up which will make you feel better faster!

3. Is there a vaccine for the common cold?

No, unfortunately there is no vaccine for the common cold. The common cold is caused by a virus that mutates rapidly, making it difficult to create a single vaccine that can effectively protect against all strains of the virus. Antibiotics are also ineffective in treating the common cold as they are only effective against bacterial infections. However, many pharmaceutically-made remedies exist which may help alleviate symptoms such as sore throat and runny nose associated with the condition. Additionally, simple lifestyle changes such as drinking plenty of fluids and getting enough rest can help lessen the severity of some common cold symptoms or even prevent them altogether.

4. What is rhinovirus?

Rhinovirus is a type of virus that causes the common cold and other respiratory illnesses. It belongs to a family of viruses called Picornaviridae, which are known for their ability to spread quickly and cause infections in humans. Rhinoviruses typically enter the body through nasal passages or inhalation, where they can multiply and cause symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, sore throat, congestion, fever and fatigue. The most common symptom associated with rhinovirus is the common cold; however it can also lead to more serious complications including bronchitis, pneumonia and sinus infections. Treatment usually consists of rest and fluids while over-the-counter medications may be used to ease some symptoms.

5. How long does rhinovirus last in most cases?

The common cold, caused by the rhinovirus, usually lasts anywhere from 7 to 10 days in most people. Symptoms like a sore throat, runny nose, coughing and sneezing can start two to four days after exposure. For some people these symptoms may last longer than 10 days but should gradually improve over time. While there is no cure for the common cold it’s important to take steps such as drinking plenty of fluids and getting enough rest to help your body fight off the virus and recover faster.

6. Are there any known treatments for rhinovirus?

Yes, there are treatments available for rhinovirus, though they primarily serve to alleviate symptoms rather than cure the virus itself. Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help reduce fevers and pains associated with the infection. Nasal decongestants may also provide relief from sinus pressure, congestion and other related issues. For severe cases of rhinovirus, a doctor may recommend a corticosteroid nasal spray or oral antihistamines in order to reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes. Additionally, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids while avoiding caffeine or alcohol during an infection period since both can dehydrate the body further. Finally, getting sufficient rest will aid in quicker recovery time.

7. Can you catch both of these illnesses at the same time?

It is possible to catch both influenza and a cold at the same time. The symptoms of both illnesses can overlap, making it difficult to distinguish between them. However, you are more likely to experience one or the other separately since they are caused by different viruses and present with distinct signs and symptoms. Influenza is generally more severe than a cold so if you have several flu-like symptoms such as a high fever, body aches, headache and extreme tiredness it’s most likely that you have the flu rather than just a common cold.

8. Does one illness present more severe symptoms than the other?

The severity of symptoms for both illnesses can vary greatly from person to person. Generally speaking, however, the flu tends to cause more severe illness than the common cold. The flu is often accompanied by a fever that lasts several days, persistent cough and extreme aches and pains throughout the body. Furthermore, it can take weeks for a person suffering from the flu to fully recover their energy levels back to normal. On the other hand, while still unpleasant at times, symptoms of a cold are generally less severe than those associated with influenza – they tend to include nasal congestion, sneezing and sore throat which usually last no longer than a week or two.

9. Are there things you can do to help prevent getting either disease ?

Yes, there are a few steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of developing either type of heart disease. The most important is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, as well as avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. It’s also wise to get regular check-ups with your doctor so that any issues can be identified early on and addressed before they become serious problems. Additionally, knowing your family health history can help you understand what risks you may have for either kind of heart disease, which will allow you to make proactive decisions about how best to protect yourself from potential complications down the road.

10. Is it possible to spread either illness by coughing or sneezing ?

Yes, it is possible to spread either illness by coughing or sneezing. Coughs and sneezes are powerful ways to transmit germs. When a person coughs or sneezes, they can release tiny droplets from their nose and mouth that contain cold, flu and other viruses. These droplets can land in the mouth or noses of people who are nearby or even be inhaled into the lungs. This is why it is so important for any individual to cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing, as this helps prevent spreading any illnesses further than necessary.

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