Water pollution is one of the major challenges for people around the globe. The contamination of the water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds has made it very challenging for the people to conserve their water bodies. Over the centuries, there is a huge increase in the pollution level from various sources.The pollutants contain harmful compounds which affect the aquatic life. There are various measures taken to avoid or to reduce the levels of water pollution. The increasing level of water pollution leads to various types of water-borne diseases.
Controlling the point and nonpoint sources of water pollution is a challenge globally. The difference between the two are mentioned below:-
So What is the The Principle differences between point source and nonpoint source water pollution?
1. Point source water pollution originates from a Single Source
Point sources of pollution are the sources coming from a single source like the discharge of water from an industrial plant or some waste from the water treatment plant. While the non -point sources come from agricultural lands where there is the frequent use of pesticides and other chemicals.
2. Detection of point source water pollution is easy
Point source pollution is easy to identify, but in the case of nonpoint pollution, it is harder to identify and address the source.
3. There is more contamination in point source water pollution
Due to the large scale area of the pollutants at a single point, there is contamination as well as the harmful effects on the quality of the water, whereas, in the case of nonpoint pollution, there is some dilution due to the large geographical area.
4. Nonpoint source water pollution requires no treatment plants
The use of treatment plants can prove as a boon for the water bodies, but in the case of nonpoint sources of pollution, there is no use of water treatment plants.
5. Various Control measures are required in nonpoint source pollution
Other types of control measures are not required, but in the case of nonpoint pollution, there are lots of control pollution, which is required on a large scale for reducing the level of contaminants in the atmosphere.
6. The cause of nonpoint source pollution can be identified with ease
Nonpoint sources of pollution are easily identifiable as it is coming from a single source, but in the case of a point source, it occurs via diffuse sources.
7. The point source pollution has low effects
The effects of nonpoint source pollution are very high, but in the case of point source pollution, the effects are very low.
8. Point source water pollution is less-diluted
The nonpoint sources are more diluted as compared to the point sources pollution. It is because the point sources of pollution are concentrated from source to pollution, but in the case of nonpoint sources, they move widely to different origins.
9. Large-scale action is required to curb nonpoint source pollution
An action taken from a single community is sufficient to stop a single source of pollution. But to tackle nonpoint source pollution, there is a requirement to take action at a global level.
Pollution is a challenge for everyone today. It affects life on the planet, such as plants, animals, and human beings. Some examples of point source pollution are treatment plants, oil tanks spill, and combined sewer outfalls, etc. while some examples of nonpoint source pollution sources are farming fertilizers, road salt runoff, etc.
Knowing the levels of pollution and taking the right steps at the right time will help you to keep the environment free from pollution.