FireRed and LeafGreen are the improvised version of Pokémon Red and Blue 1996. This game was designed and invented by Game Freak. They were first released in Japan in January 2004. These games were published by The Pokémon Company and Nintendo for the 32-bit gaming console Game Boy Advance. The games were a hit and obtained an aggregate as high as 81 percent on Metacritic, 8.4/10 on GameSpot and 4/5 on CommonSense. Now, let’s have a glance at the differences between them.
So What is the Differences between FireRed and LeafGreen?
1. FireRed is a remake version
FireRed is an enhanced remake of the original Pokemon Red game, whereas LeafGreen is an upgraded version of the original Pokemon Blue game.
2. Exclusive pokemon versions
There are some exclusive pokemon versions that are only found in FireRed. It includes Ekans line, Oddish line, Shellder line, Psyduck line, Scyther line, Growlithe line, Bellossom, Murkrow, Elekid line, Delibird, Qwilfish, Deoxys (Attack Forme), and Skarmory. In contrast, the exclusive pokemon that are only found in LeafGreen includes Vulpix line, Slowpoke line, Sandshrew line, Bellsprout line, Magby line, Staryu line, Pinsir, Misdreavous, Azurill line, Remoraid line, Sneasel, Deoxys (Defence Forme), and Mantine.
3. The fire exclusive pokemon in FireRed are Arcanine and Growlithe
Fire exclusive pokemon in FireRed are Arcanine and Growlithe. In contrast, the fire exclusive pokemon in LeafGreen are Magmar and Vulpix which are specialized in fire moves.
4. Water exclusive pokemons
The water exclusive pokemon in FireRed are Psydick and Golduck which are specialized in water moves. In contrast, the Starmie and Staryu are the water exclusive pokemon in LeafGreen that are specialized in water moves.
5. Flying exclusive pokemons
The flying exclusive pokemon in FireRed are Skamore and Delibird, while the flying exclusive pokemon in LeafGreen Mantine is the flying exclusive pokemon in ys.
6. Mascot pokemon
The mascot pokemon for FireRed is Charizard. In contrast, the mascot pokemon for LeafGreen is Venusaur.
7. Psychic pokemon
Deoxys (Attack Forme) is the psychic pokemon in FireRed. These are one of the strongest pokemon, whereas, Deoxys (Defense Forme) is the psychic pokemoin in LeafGreen.
8. Japanese sales
The total of about 1,619,109 units of pokemon FireRed were sold in Japanese market with a sell-through of about 96.01%. In contrast, a total of about 1,290,852 units of pokemon LifeGreen were sold in the Japanese market with a sell-through of about 92.40% Both the games are based on the same plot as the original Red and Blue games. There is not much difference except the intro and some exclusive pokemon creatures. Both, FireRed and LeafGreen are the updated versions of the original Red and Blue games. Both versions are among the most popular and the most selling games of their time. The game has the same plot as their ancestors’ games Blue and Red with similar journey beginning in the fictional pallet town. The major difference between them is of rarest and unique Pokémon. There are almost 20 elite Pokémon with different abilities. Besides this, there is no such difference between the two versions.